Do-It-Yourself SwissCash Investment.
Let us go through step-by-step to financial freedom....
1. R E G I S T R A T I O N
1.a- Just click to this site: You'll be redirect to Ahmad Nurfarhi Rosley's financial site.
1.b- Click "Join Us" on top right of the main page just like image below.
1.c- Just go through the registration (just like normal sign-up e-mail). But please be carefull as your Passport/Identitycard number will be used frequently as your trading ID.
Tips for Malaysian, your ID number would be without dash ("-") for example 821231056639 and your phone number will be starting with +6 for example phone number 0123456789 would be +60123456789. Then after proper check click submit!
1.d-You will received email notification and SMS notification complete with your Trading ID and password by your cell phone.
1.e Login to your Swisscash account by click login button.
2. B U Y I N G e - P O I N T S
There are 2 options you can start getting e-point from Swisscash.
OPTION 1: Buy from your up line (no charges from bank). This means that other person that already have e-points in their swisscash will transfer their e-points to your swisscah account. You just have to pay them back.
Use telegraphic transfer or wired transfer.2.a- Open your account and click "Payment Instruction" under "Swiss Payment Transfer (Wired Payment/TT)" as per image below.
2.b- Print out the instruction. Go to your local bank, and fill-up the Telegraphic Transfer (TT) form as shown below. Then, submit your money to buy e-points.
3. A C T I V A T I O N
Once you have the e-point You can start activate your account. Activation Fees is USD$30
4. S T A R T I N V E S T
This is the last part .You must click 'start Invest' in order to receive your monthly payout. Click "Start Invest" under "Swiss investment Facility" as per image below.
4. C O N G R A T U L A T E Y O U R S E L F
Congratulation, you just finish your DIY investment. Images below are some features for investors.
Swiss e-banking is a secure site for investors to perform transaction and monitor their business growth in real time.
The web system is complemented with Short Messaging Service (SMS) connected directly to your cell phone.
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